Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Corporate Life 3

The dangers of Corporate life: Being stuck in the toilet/stairwell.

It was my own fault really, for not having my swipe card on me all the time. Being late Friday night, just about to leave, I went to use the loos (=toilets) and found myself locked in the stairwell as there was no way of getting out without the electronic card...

Now who's the bright spark who invented a building where you are trapped in its bowels if you should be a little forgetful, and then just to tease you, install buttons that look like bells that do absolutely NOTHING! ha ha ha what a joke it must have seemed like to the architect.

To add salt to the wound, after half an hour of banging on all the doors from levels 9 - b2 and back, I was let out only to find that there were colleagues who heard "someone banging" - but didn't bother to go and investigate the noise!

Are people are so wrapped it in their own little worlds that they have no room to care about anything else?


Lesson learnt: It takes a lot of self-restraint to not wrangle colleagues in times of desperation.

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